Steve Foster, continued...
For his debut album, Steve Foster had a crystal clear goal in mind: "I wanted to create an album where each song has its place within the concept. The subject matter for most of the songs is bittersweet and yet, very optimistic in sound." But he didn’t stop there. Wanting to recapture an era of pop music that was more organic, Steve strived to feature real instrumentation including strings and horns. Enlisting the help of industry talents like James Bryan playing guitar on 'Cold' and Dane Hartsell showcasing a guitar solo on 'You', the album takes on a richer, more intimate sound. With Mark Rogers on bass for 'Sad Love Song' and Micah Barnes on piano for 'Against The World' & '2012', the songs flow through the album with a fresh, textured feel.
Being an independent artist gave Steve the creative freedom to write and produce everything, with the exception of 'Against The World’, which was written by Robin Thicke and Usher. "I really pushed myself to create a pop album that incorporated all of the genres of music that have influenced me, while remaining current." As a result, the songs have a cohesive energy; a strong, upbeat sound with touches of old-school vibes, inspired by loss and love.